On January 12 of this year, Eva and I sent an email to some of our friends regarding a new season in our lives. Today I've learned that not all of our friends received that email. We apologize for the technical hiccup. Here's a copy of what we sent...
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Greetings dear brother and sister,

We hope that your Christmas and New Year celebrations were peaceful, joyous, and Christ-centered.  You're receiving this email because you and your family have a special relationship with Eva and I.  We've prayed for you, you've prayed for us. We've carried one another's burdens and rejoiced together. We love you and greatly appreciate you.

We're sending this to let you know that this past weekend was our last weekend at Canyon Bible Church. Last week I informed the elders that I am pursuing planting a church in Prescott. 

The Lord started stirring this up nearly 34 months ago and clearly put the call on my life 18 months ago. Periodically during this time, I've asked the elders to pray for me for the Lord's guidance.

The Lord has impressed upon me a vision for what this new work will look like. We're excited to step forward in faith and obedience to carry it out.  The elders have responded with words of support and encouragement for which I am grateful.  

We're not keeping our departure a secret, but we're not broadcasting it either.  We simply want to do it decently and in order.  Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

If you remember to, please keep us in your prayers... for the Lord's provision, protection, and permission to do His will, His way, in His timing as we embark on this new Great Commission work. 

For He alone is worthy,

Tom (and Eva)


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